Can you follow directions?
If so, the Penis Enlargement Bible is the no-nonsense way to naturally increase the size of your penis. It’s that simple. No pills. No surgery. No crazy methods that don’t work.
The Penis Enlargement Bible is the real deal.
This is natural penis enlargement that works. And over 5,000 men have used this proven system to enhance the size of their penis.
We’re going to look at this product in-depth and explain why every man that’s unhappy with his penis size needs to give this product a try.
What is the Penis Enlargement Bible?
The PE Bible is a guide that covers the best, all-natural techniques that lead to proven penile growth. It’s the most complete and effective guide on the market, and these techniques can lead to 2 – 4 inches of length gain.
Size, confidence and a massive penis are what this product offers.
You have the potential to be a super-star in the bed in as little as two months. Trust me: your partner will notice a bigdifference after you crack open this bible and follow the techniques inside.
Diving Into the “Bible”
What’s truly special about this product is you don’t have to wait for it to arrive at your door.
This is a 94-page guide that is delivered right to your email with a two-step process that you can follow to have the penis you want.
Dr. John Collins created this two-step method that encompasses:
Biology-Based Growth
Biology is the essence of you. You’re a huge chemical reaction with a bazillion cells running rampid in the body. The cells help with everything from healing to growth. And your body is nothing short of a miracle, with it working on complete autopilot to ensure you’re able to breathe, digest food, sleep and even learn.
But the one thing that the body does is stop growing.
Your brain and muscles can be trained to be enhanced, but there’s little you can do to keep growing. Until now.
The first part of this program is designed to teach you how to use your body’s natural processes to increase the size of your penis. Natural supplements are recommended to help this phase move along so that your body can grow in both size and girth.
Exercise Growth
The secrets behind the Penis Enlargement Bible are the methods and techniques that show you how to increase penile length naturally. You know those times when you see a guy that’s jacked like a Greek god and always wondered why you can’t get the same results when you go to the gym?
It’s all about technique and diet.
With the right exercises, dedication and techniques, you can add several inches to your penis length in as little as 8 weeks.
And with a 95% customer satisfaction rating, you know that this product is a must-have. Did I tell you about the money back guarantee yet?
If you don’t see results or aren’t satisfied with the results that you’ve achieved, you can request a 100% money back guarantee.
That’s right. You have 60 days to request your money back.
So, you just need to crack open the PDF (it’s sent to your email so that you can begin within minutes of your purchase.)
What are you waiting for?
Click here to claim your PE Bible discount and add inches to your penis.
The exercises are laid out so that they can be followed easily. There’s no questions lingering on how to perform a technique. You’ll feel confident that you’re armed with the information and details to follow each technique perfectly to experience long-lasting gains.
Penis Enlargement Bible Reviews
I’ve read countless PE Bible reviews, and I must say I was impressed. People experience massive gains with this product, so I was happy to have it by my side and give it a try, too.
Initial Thoughts
I decided that I would give this product a good try to see if it works. Once I purchased PE Bible, I was sent a confirmation in my email and a link to a PDF I could download to start using these techniques.
Quick and easy to download, you can download the program to your PC, but I recommend downloading it to your smartphone or tablet.
No one wants to advertise to the world that they’re trying to make their penis bigger. The techniques need to be performed hands-on, and unless you’re a bachelor and no one will see you performing them, it’s easier to download them to a mobile device so that you can go somewhere private to perform the techniques.
Since the PDF is only 94 pages, you’ll be able to read it in 2 – 3 days with minimal effort.
Exercises Don’t Provide the Most Results
I’m a busy guy, and I’m horrible at sticking to routines. What’s interesting is that the supplements you’re going to take will allow for penis growth. These supplements work to repair the penis so that the exercises and techniques can propel your results further.
Nutrient-rich blood and oxygen support the cells in the penis to expand and heal.
The exercises are supplementary, but I suggest everyone work them into their routine. It took just 10 – 20 minutes a day, so even I (Mr. Lazy) followed the program exactly.
What the first section of the program offers is a method to kick-start penile growth naturally, and with growth comes healing, too. This means that penis exercises that break down the muscle are counteracted so that the penis can grow and heal bigger over time.
Week 1 – 2
The first week of using PE Bible, I was just going through the techniques and making sure I had all the supplements to go along with the product. I didn’t see any gains at this point, but I wasn’t expecting a miracle.
Week 3 – 6
During the third week, everything started to feel natural, and I fell into a routine of following the techniques outlined in the guide. But I didn’t notice any visual increases during weeks 3 – 5. I finally measured myself at the six-week mark, and I was shocked.
I gained 0.3” in length, which isn’t bad considering I started at 6”.
Week 7 – 10
The results started to amplify after the six weeks, and I grew 0.5” in total by the end of week 8.
Don’t get me wrong – this is far from 2 – 4,” but the results started to come quicker, so I stuck with it and added something into the mix, too.
I’m impatient, so I want results even faster.
A legit penile stretcher was added into the mix (actually 2 different devices that I alternate). Let me tell you, this amplified the results intensely. I used SizeGenetics the most, but sometimes change it out with the Phallosan Forte extender.
What I found is that the stretcher and Penis Enlargement Bible work synergistically together.
Week 10 – 12
Since I started using a stretcher during the 9th week, there was some overlap. Between week 8 and 12, I gained a massive 1.2” in total, leaving me with a 7.2” beast of a penis. I honestly was happy at this point because I can’t imagine being 10” in length.
I’m not sure my girlfriend would be able to handle it either.
I found that with the penis stretcher and the supplements suggested in PE Bible, I was able to enhance my results and push them into overdrive.
I haven’t stopped yet because I want to see how much length I can gain in total. I’m up to 1.8” after 18 weeks with the results slowing down.
The Verdict: A Penis to Brag About
I wasn’t expecting 2 – 4” in length, so I didn’t put too much weight into this claim. But if I was 4” in length to start with, my results may have been 2+”. Who knows?
But one thing is certain: this guide works and depending on your current “size” should be a no brainer to your natural male enhancement protocol.
You will see results, especially if you add Phallosan or SizeGenetics into the mix.
I do have one recommendation for anyone reading this: give this product a try, and follow the instructions with precision.
You owe it to yourself to have confidence in the bedroom, and a bigger penis is all about confidence and pleasure.
You have a 60 day, iron-clad guarantee, so take advantage of this offer.
I’ll even throw in my own personal PE Bible discount to sweeten the deal further.